311.91 +/- Acre CRP & Pasture Farm in Sherman Co, NE

This is a well-located pasture just off Hwy 10 in Sherman County. The pasture offers good gates and fencing, and has been well-managed and cared for with excellent control of thistle and cedar trees. An electric well and 3 dams provide water throughout the pasture. A windmill is on the south half of the pasture, that needs repaired but could be another source of water. There are approximately 56 acres enrolled in a CRP contract that allows for extra income of $8,276,  and provides excellent upland bird habitat for the avid bird hunter. A paved road on the north side, a gravel road on the south side, and a minimum maintenance road on the east side provide access to the pasture.

Legal Description – Pt. East 1/2 Section 16, Township 13 North, Range 15 West, Sherman County, Nebraska
